OK, before moving forward, let’s just do a quick review of Workshop 01.
If you haven’t had a chance yet, it’s worth taking the time to complete the Workshop 01 Quiz. You can easily access it from the mindmap in Workshop 02.
In Workshop 01, we asked you to prepare for Workshop 02 by thinking about some personal End Goals you’d like to achieve and some of the Means goals that would enable you to progress toward those End goals.
Let’s look at some example End goals.
Create more memories with my loved ones and close friends
Strengthen relationships with those close to me
Have more adventurous experiences – especially around travel
Make a greater difference in the lives of others
Now, let’s look at some example Means goals.
Discover more ways to increase my recurring income while decreasing the time required to earn that income
How important is it for you to clarify your End goals & your Means goals?
It’s always good to pause and set aside a small amount of time to think about where you are currently at and what you’d like your future to look like.
It’s great to let your Connector know what’s important to you. One of the best ways to do this is to complete the “Scale of 1 to 10” exercise. This exercise will help you also think about what really inspires and motivates you. You can also access this through mindmap Topic 01.
Following are some examples of the “Scale of 1 to 10” exercise:
Travel & Adventure
Being involved with projects that are exciting because they make a difference
Remaining free of toxic work environments
Being around like-minded others who inspire you
Having more time and money to invest in creating memories, relationships & experiences
Making a difference in the lives of others
Becoming a better version of you – developing your skills, posture & attitude – more confidence, less procrastination, leadership, etc
Financial Freedom
Income security (because job security really doesn’t exist, does it?)
Belonging and contributing to a community you respect
Decreasing the hours required to earn increasing income
Earning the same income with 1 or 2 days less work per week
Earning more income
Having more free time available outside work
Freeing yourself from the feeling of always being too busy
Setting up a better future for yourself and your loved ones
Digging the well before you need the water
Also, if you haven’t had a chance yet, it’s definitely worth watching the following videos accessible via Topic 01
End Goals vs Means Goals by Vishen Lakliani
Multiply your time by Rory Vaden
It starts with Why by Simon Sinek
Why build your Network Asset in advance? It helps when you think of the network you build as “the beast that feeds all other...
Start thinking differently about the value of building your network (vs networking)
Mini-Habits In the end, achieving the results you desire from any endeavour typically boils down to forming the proper habits that you consistently practice....